About Us

We are the co-founders (and sisters!) of Wild Roots. Melissa (left) is the mom of two wild boys, Jerry (5) and Luca (2). Angela (right) has two sweet girls, Cannelle (2) and Jasmine (1). Why did we start Wild Roots? After spending lots of time looking for ways and places to keep our little ones engaged, we discovered our shared passion for creating fun experiences and getting kids outside. We realized there wasn’t anything that offered the kind of outdoor play we were looking for. Although there are many great indoor playgrounds and classes in Staten Island, we found our children often getting sick after attending them. We wanted a space where children can play freely in the fresh air. We believe in growing up slowly and getting back to our roots of playing outside like when we were young. And.. 🪄Wild Roots was born.

At Wild Roots, we believe in open-ended child-led play where children can imagine, learn, discover, and be free. We believe the best way to learn is through play. Our classes inspire physical movement, fine motor skills, and socialization. At Wild Roots, making a mess is encouraged, and the best part is it’s not on your living room floor!

We are an all-weather, completely outdoor care-giver and me class. Getting outdoors is massively important for our well-being and mental health. We truly believe an hour spent outside can do wonders for everyone. Sometimes we too find ourselves comfortable on the couch, feeling too tired to go outside, or the idea of dressing and loading multiple kids into the car seems daunting. But, we’re here to tell you that we’ve never heard of anyone saying they’ve regretted forcing themselves to get out the door and into the fresh air. An added bonus is that it’s a natural reset for children. They often sleep better after a good playtime outside.

We can’t wait to meet you and your little explorers!

Get In Touch

Have other questions or want more info? Reach out anytime. 

6 + 2 =


1 Kingsley Ave
Staten Island, NY 10314
(entrance on Brookside Ave)